Two survey-based assessments were administered prior to and following the workshops: an Exploring Computer Science (ECS) content-based assessment and a Computer Science Assessment (CSA) focusing on computer-science related career goals. These assessments are presented below and educators are encouraged to utilize and/or customize these surveys for their own learning measurement needs and goals.
Exploring Computer Science (ECS) Assessment
Please complete all of the following questions to the best of your ability.
Your Full Name _____________________________________
Problem 1
Carla programmed a robot to select clothes for her. The robot is only able to move around the room, open and close doors, and pick up and drop objects.
Below is a set of instructions for the robot once the robot is inside the closet:
Step 1: Take out the top pair of pants from the left side of the third shelf down.
Step 2: Take out a T-shirt.
Step 3: Take out the hat from the top shelf that matches the outfit.
Select one step in the instructions that a robot would have difficulty completing:
Take out the top pair of pants from the left side of the third shelf down.
Take out a T-shirt.
Take out the hat from the top shelf that matches the outfit. Explain why a robot would have difficulty completing that step:
Problem 2
You are communicating using a social media profile (e.g., on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram).
a) List two pieces of personal information that are typically on a social media profile that you would not want everyone to see:
#1 _________________________________________________________________________________________________
#2 _________________________________________________________________________________________________
b) Pick one of the pieces of information from part (a):
Describe a consequence of someone you don’t know accessing that information:
c) Describe one benefit of communicating using social media (such as Facebook or a blog):
d) Describe one legal, ethical, or privacy concern from using social media (such as Facebook or a blog):
Problem 3
Jadyn has access to these three different methods of communication:
Cell phone call
Text message
Email message
Jadyn wants to send a secret message quickly to a friend, without any person or organization knowing about it. Assume Jadyn has access to the internet through a computer and a cellphone.
Which of the following are problems with all three methods of communication?
Message delivery speed
Cost of sending the message
Privacy from others
b) Explain why:
Problem 4
Below is a pattern. In step 1 of the pattern, there are 14 blocks: If you wanted to build a computer program that could continue the pattern, what computing concept should you use?
Procedural thinking
Conditional statements
Loop statements
Block structuring b) Explain why:
Problem 5
Stacy runs a food bank.
What type of computing method could Stacy use for organizing the food on the shelves?
Block structuring
Problem 6
Zoe wants to make a fan club website for a local band. She wants the website to have information about the band as well as information about the fan club.
List 3 requirements to give to a web design team who are creating Zoe’s website:
Be sure that each requirement describes specific content (WHAT information is provided) and specific design (HOW the information should look) for Zoe’s website. Zoe has provided one example requirement.
Example requirement:A list of shows, including the date and place for each show, with past shows in gray and upcoming shows in green.
Chantelle and Jasmine are programming an Opinion Game. The game will check to see if two players have the same opinion by comparing their ratings about a topic (e.g.: movies, food.). The two players rate a topic by entering a number from 1 to 5 where 1 means you “don’t like it at all” and 5 means you “like it a lot.”
The game works as follows:
The game asks for the players for a topic.
The game then gives each player a turn to rate the topic from 1 to 5.
The game then lets the players know if their answers match or not.
For example: Two players might rate what they think about vanilla ice cream by each entering a number from 1 to 5. One person rates it as a 3 while the other person rates it as a 5. The game tells them that they don’t agree.
Assume that we are going to create a computer program for the Opinion Game. Which of these computing concepts would be most useful for implementing Step #3?
Conditional statement
Loop statement
Block structuring
Problem 8
This question will assess your ability to apply the Breadth First Search (BFS) and Depth First Search (DFS) algorithms to a directed graph.
Starting with node 1 and choosing the leftmost node to break any ties, give the list of expanded nodes in order for the below graph figure based on the search algorithm:
What is the correct order of node expansion for the above graph if we use Breadth-First Search (BFS)?
What is the correct order of node expansion for the above graph if we use Depth-First Search (DFS)?
Computer Science Assessment (CSA)
Please answer to the degree you agree or disagree with each of the following statements. There are no right or wrong answers. Don't be afraid to put down what you really think. Don't spend a lot of time on any one item. Move quickly!
Your Full Name _____________________________________
Rate The Following Statements:
I plan to major in computer science.
Generally I have felt secure about attempting computer programming problems.
I am sure I could do advanced work in computer science.
I am sure that I can learn programming.
I think I could handle more difficult programming problems.
I can get good grades in computer science.
I have a lot of self-confidence when it comes to programming.
I'm no good at programming.
I don't think I could do advanced computer science.
I'm not the type to do well in computer programming.
For some reason even though I work hard at it, programming seems unusually hard for me.
Most subjects I can handle O.K., but I have a knack for flubbing up programming problems.
Computer science has been my worst subject.
It would make me happy to be recognized as an excellent student in computer science.
I'd be proud to be the outstanding student in computer science.
I'd be happy to get top grades in computer science.
It would be really great to win a prize in computer science.
Being first in a programming competition would make me pleased.
Being regarded as smart in computer science would be a great thing.
Winning a prize in computer science would make me feel unpleasantly conspicuous (attracting notice or attention).
People would think I was some kind of a nerd if I got A's in computer science.
If I had good grades in computer science, I would try to hide it.
If I got the highest grade in computer science I'd prefer no one knew.
It would make people like me less if I were a really good computer science student.
I don't like people to think I'm smart in computer science.
Females are as good as males at programming.
Studying computer science is just as appropriate for women as for men.
I would trust a woman just as much as I would trust a man to figure out important programming problems.
Women certainly are logical enough to do well in computer science.
It's hard to believe a female could be a genius in computer science.
It makes sense that there are more men than women in computer science.
I would have more faith in the answer for a programming problem solved by a man than a woman.
Women who enjoy studying computer science are a bit peculiar.
I'll need programming for my future work.
I study programming because I know how useful it is.
Knowing programming will help me earn a living.
Computer science is a worthwhile and necessary subject.
I'll need a firm mastery of programming for my future work.
I will use programming in many ways throughout my life.
Programming is of no relevance to my life.
Programming will not be important to me in my life's work.
I see computer science as a subject I will rarely use in my daily life.
Taking computer science courses is a waste of time.
In terms of my adult life it is not important for me to do well in computer science in college.
I expect to have little use for programming when I get out of school.
I like writing computer programs.
Programming is enjoyable and stimulating to me.
When a programming problem arises that I can't immediately solve, I stick with it until I have the solution.
Once I start trying to work on a program, I find it hard to stop.
When a question is left unanswered in computer science class, I continue to think about it afterward.
I am challenged by programming problems I can't understand immediately.
Figuring out programming problems does not appeal to me.
The challenge of programming problems does not appeal to me.
Programming is boring.
I don't understand how some people can spend so such time on writing programs and seem to enjoy it.
I would rather have someone give me the solution to a difficult programming problem than to have to work it out for myself.
I do as little work in computer science courses as possible.