Aligned ECS Units:

The following ECS units are addressed in Unit 5 of this guidebook:

    In this unit, students’ knowledge of abstraction and website design will expand by enabling them to take the roles of developers by creating paper and digital prototypes, writing documentation for users, and exploring issues of social responsibility in web use.

Unit Overview:

In this unit, students will engage the following practices:

  • Discussing issues important in their communities
  • Re-skinning and customizing their own map game website
  • Discussing how to document functional specifications and technical requirements
  • Playing peers’ game prototypes and providing constructive feedback
  • Iterating upon their game designs based on peer feedback
  • Discussing online social responsibility and website access control

Activities in this Unit

  1. Introduction to Prototyping
  2. Low-Fidelity Prototyping
  3. High-Fidelity Protoyping