Unit 3 - Social, Economic, & Cultural Issues in Computing Discussions at the Intersection of Culture & Computing
Aligned ECS Units:
The following ECS units are addressed in Unit 3 of this guidebook:
In this unit, students will gain an appreciation for the many ways in which computing-enabled innovation have had an impact on society, as well as for the many different fields in which they are used. Connections among social, economical and cultural contexts will be discussed.
Unit Overview:
In this unit, students will engage the following practices:
Engaging in an introductory discussion on HCI topics
Discussing connections among social, economical and cultural contexts
Discussions in this Unit
Stylin’, Profilin’ (How We Socialize & Express Ourselves Online)
Stereotypes (How People are Perceived and Represented in Computing)
Surveillance (How People and Companies Manage Privacies and Related Issues)
Mo’ Money Mo’ Problems (How Companies Make Money Off of Your Data)